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Friday, December 21, 2007

Spending Christmas on Sipadan Island?

Barracuda point's not far away



海兔, 隻隻都好COLORFUL呀~


第一次影到海兔, 開心死了


送禮自奉, DIVER最啱用

Another way to spend your Christmas holidays is to go scuba diving at Sipadan Island. Just take a look at these underwater pictures. They are simply breathtaking. And I believe it is taken just with Canon IXUS 850. I have been talking about going there one of these days but every time I return home, it just never happened. What is the matter with me?

If you are planning on going there one day.....wait no longer. Global warming effects may destroy the corals and creatures one day, as reported here in the Sabah's local newspapers, the Daily Express. If you cannot find anyone to join you (no 'kaki'), you can try posting in you invitations on some travel sites just like this one.

More information can be found by googling "sipadan". Here are a few: http://www.myoutdoor.com/sabah/sipadan/index.htm

My friend is also a travel specialist for Sipadan Island..... http://www.sipadan-mabul.com.my

Please visit vinada for more photos!