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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Celebrating every day

Every day seems to be getting harder.When we were young, we can't wait to grow up. When we are at school, we can't wait to graduate and find work. When we are working, we can't wait to retire. Or go back to study again. When we retire, we can't wait to go back to work again. We can't wait to have our own family. And when we have one, we can't wait for the kids to grow up. When they have left, we have too much time. When we are old, we wish we have good health, When we are old, we wish we were young again.

No wonder it is getting harder everyday. We are always busy fulfilling our needs, busy looking for something better and bigger. Little by little, our minds and bodies get so beaten up and we feel kind of lost. Perhaps we can slow down a little. And experience the little things. A little naivety won't hurt. Sometimes the little things add meaning to your life. They make you feel a little special about yourself. They help you to understand what life means to you.

What are the little things? It could be a nice, quiet moment in a boisterous world. It could be the pleasure of waking up late in the morning. It could be spending time with people you care about. It could be a visit to the park. It could be giving something to the needy. It could be a cup of susu kacang (soya bean) drink. Just let yourself enjoy and appreciate your special moment today. And another day. When you can celebrate every day like a special day, every day will seem less hard.

Here's a nice poem that you may like.

Today, I wish you a day of ordinary miracles...
A fresh pot of coffee you didn't make yourself...
An unexpected phone call from an old friend...
Green traffic lights on your way to work...
The fastest line at the grocery store...
A good sing-along song on the radio...
Your keys right where you left them.
Life is not measured by the breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath.